Financial Services, Speaker and Coach

Do you ever have clients in for breakfast, lunch, or dinner meetings? When clients arrive, does your team offer coffee or other beverages, along with a snack? In the case of evening appointments, do you also occasionally offer  a glass of wine or other adult beverage?

If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes” ask yourself this question:

“What impression does it make when you serve these in Styrofoam cups, on paper plates, or on a paper towel?”

Last week I heard a presentation by two successful advisors who ordered china, glasses, and wine glasses with their logo.il_570xN.429349888_n5p9 This isn’t plastic or paper. We are talking china (or at the very lease, fine pottery place-settings, coffee cups, drinking glasses, and crystal wine glasses.  These advisors treat their clients like guests or best friends!

Show some class. Let the quality of your services be reflected in how you treat your clients when they visit your office.

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