Financial Services, Speaker and Coach

I can hear you now…

“Free Time? FREE TIME? Has he lost his mind? It’s MONDAY!”

This Monday Morning Jump-Start™ has NOTHING to do with striving, achieving, and serving clients.  It involves…rest. Why in the world does this pop up on the radar on a Monday, when you have a full week ahead? As financial advisors you have calls to make, reviews to prepare…or maybe vacation to begin! So why discuss rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation, especially on a Monday?

Because you need it.

We live in an era of non-stop motion. Over-scheduled and under-slept, we run on empty, tethered to technology that promised to ease our lives but somehow delivered more complications . Human Beings need rest. All of the world’s major religions call for a weekly day of rest. However, many of us want to sleep as little as possible. There is so much to do that sleep seems like a waste of time. Yet sleep deprivation is a profoundly effective means of human torture. Sleep, an essential time of rest and rejuvenation, benefits our minds and bodies in many ways. When you continuously don’t get the amount of sleep you need, you begin to pay for it in daytime drowsiness, trouble concentrating, irritability, increased risk of falls and accidents, and lower productivity.

But we need more than sleep; we need to rejuvenate while awake! Rejuvenation improves productivity, and in fact improves the the quality of our life for certain, in addition to probably extending our lifespan.

The Strategic Coach is an entrepreneurial coaching program which touts the idea of “Free Days.” Dan Sullivan, founder of The Strategic Coach has said, “…when many entrepreneurs become successful, they reach a point where it becomes increasingly difficult to move ahead. We call this common condition ‘Hitting The Ceiling of Complexity.'” This is a combination of too little focus when working and a lack of true Free Days, specifically set aside for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation, without interruption or thought of work.

Visions of the 21st Century included a world where technology would eliminate the need for work. While technology indeed improves our efficiency and effectiveness, in some ways we have become slaves to technology. Part of rest means “unplugging.” Don’t check email or voicemail. Don’t catch up on your business reading. No business related social media. Get away from all that.

Why discuss all this today? IT’S MONDAY. You need to get to work!

Because rest and relaxation require scheduling. Sometimes it requires a little planning. You MUST build it into your schedule, or it won’t happen.

Take some time today to make certain your next “Free Day” is scheduled. If it requires a little planning, do it. If it involves others, get them involved! Ask for their help and input on making it a true day of rest. Once you have completed this today, then feel free to…

Work Hard & Have Fun!™