Financial Services, Speaker and Coach

Investment Centers of America (ICA) is a broker/dealer based in Bismarck, ND. This weekend they hosted their annual Sales Assistant Conference in Minneapolis. Assistants from their branches across the country participated in workshops, heard [tag]professional speakers[/tag/, and networked with their peers to improve their skill sets. Allianz Life sponsored me as a [tag]facilitator[/tag] and [tag]keynote speaker[/tag] for two days of the three day conference.

This type of [tag]sales training[/tag] pays off for ICA. These assistants come away with new skills and procedures to improve the [tag]marketing[/tag], [tag]client service[/tag], and administration in their branches. In addition, they have VERY low turnover. What type of training do YOU provide for those who help you sell and service your customers? I suggest a two tier system that supplements your standard training program. The second tier is a “Continuing Education Account” where you help sales assistants by paying 50% of the expenses of outside training (subject to approval; the training must help them within your business.) This system gives the sales assistant a say in selecting training, but it also require that they have some skin in the game. If an assistant does not take advantage of this opportunity to broaden their knowledge and skills…well, you need to know that as well.

Attracting and retaining talent is a perpetual challenge. By providing additional training and treating your staff as the professionals they are is a great investment in your business.