Financial Services, Speaker and Coach

Selling financial services as a [tag]financial advisor[/tag], [tag]stock broker[/tag], [tag]insurance agent[/tag], or [tag]banker[/tag] involves six critical factors to be successful – long term. Short term success is possible without attention to these “Critical Success Factors,” (CSF’s) but long term success requires proficiency on a regular basis in each area. The CSF’s include:

  1. Prospecting
  2. Sales Approach
  3. Presentation
  4. Answering Objections
  5. Closing
  6. Service

Nothing revolutionary here; these topics have been taught since the earliest days of sales training. However, today many firms neglect basic sales training, and we always benefit from a reminder to step outside ourselves and objectively examine our business. Let me ask you a few questions:

  • Are you weak in one or more CSF’s?
  • Do you pay attention to and seek to improve each factor?
  • Do you continually evaluate yourself and your business?

If you are new to financial product sales, or if you are experienced, consider reading my book, The Ultimate Small Cap Business; Building A Financial Advisory Practice. This concise book provides a comprehensive overview of financial service selling and practice management. Look for future posts to provide tips for each of the Critical Success Factors of Sales.

Good selling!