Financial Services, Speaker and Coach

This week a financial advisor called me for presentation coaching. When she shared her approach, she led off with, “I need to talk to you about…” I stopped her immediately. You see, your clients focus on what THEY need, not what you need. Too often advisors’ conversations revolve around “I”. Crafting sales conversations for maximum effectiveness requires some work on your part. Examine everything you say in order to improve closing ratios and better serve your clients.

How can you modify your communication to improve sales success? Take a look at the following examples of sales-speak I have heard recently, with some suggested changes in phraseology:

“I need to show you this investment/insurance/planning idea.”
BETTER: You would benefit from considering this investment/insurance/planning idea.”

“Consolidating these accounts helps me do a better job of tracking your portfolio.”
BETTER: Consolidating these accounts makes it easier for you to track your portfolio.”

“I want you to look at this.”
BETTER: “You will really want to see this.”

Focus on making your presentations client-focused. Phrase your selling statements using “you” more frequently than the word “I.” Doing this helps you present benefits of recommendations instead of features. Your clients will take action when they know the benefits they will receive as a result of taking action on your recommendations.

Good selling!