Financial Services, Speaker and Coach

An article written by Paul Hochman in the February issue of Fast Company magazine discusses the future of wireless electricity.  That’s right – wireless electricity.  This technology resides in the present, not the future. The article features wirelessly rechargeable tools, cell phones, and other consumer electronics.  Terms such as “Inductive Coupling,” and “Radio-frequency Harvesting” provide a peak of the future in products that become available in three to eighteen months!

Consider this question: Are you selling and serving your clients using the tired techniques and technologies that worked in the past?  When I mention technologies, I speak of the personal branding, sales processes, and relationship marketing programs that provide clients with exceptional service, create significant increases in sales growth, and differentiate you from the competition.

Step back and take a look at every aspect of your business.  Ask yourself what you can do to incrementally improve all aspects of your business.  Implement processes that take advantage of new ideas and technologies. Those incremental changes contain the keys to rapidly growing your business.